Friday, March 29, 2013

Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,  winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."


I have always loved spring time.  I guess this verse was written with Wyoming in mind….there’s no mention of spring.  Occasionally we get a surprise spring-like day in the middle of January so we take the season as we can get it….whenever it may happen.  Praise the Lord that He promises to maintain the seasons while the earth remains!  I have to blush a little when I think of myself enjoying spring as a child in Seward, Illinois.  I used to run barefoot in a field behind my house and sing into the cornflowers.  No one saw me except for God and a few dairy cows.  I can still feel that cool new grass on my feet.  I loved to learn new songs and try them out when no one was looking.  I especially enjoyed my music classes in grade school and when they threw out some old music books I begged the teacher to let me take them home.  My sisters and I would prop them up in the kitchen window and sing while we did the dishes.  In my heart spring time and music go hand in hand and I anxiously look forward to the melody of new birth in the gift of spring….whenever that may come.

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