Friday, March 29, 2013

The Good Neighbor

Exodus 23:4 "If you meet your enemy's ox or his donkey going astray, you shall surely bring it back to him again.”


Being a good neighbor should come naturally to a man made in God’s image.  The Groves family were our neighbors.  They were farmers who also raised Clydesdales and sold them to the Budweiser Corporation.  We would occasionally walk down and visit when a new little colt was born.  “Little” is a word I use lightly since even the babies were enormous.  I recall one morning that one of the herd wandered down to our house and was contentedly munching in my father’s garden.  We were so excited to see the beautiful creature up close and personal that it seemed like a holiday, even better than a trip to the zoo.  My Dad, being a good neighbor (and slightly annoyed that this giant was eating his carrots) decided to grab him by the halter and I suppose lead him back home.  Well, if you are a horse of many tons and you want to eat carrots out of the neighbor’s garden, a Hoosier coming toward you with a rope might resemble a pest.  My dad grabbed the halter while the horse was happily munching and the Clydesdale slowly lifted up his large head.  I remember watching my Dad’s feet leave the ground.  I wanted to laugh but thought better of it.  My father was small in stature but big in attitude and he had met his match.  That big boy wasn’t going anywhere.  We called for the experts and the handsome fellow gently plodded home with his master.  Our small kindnesses to our neighbors generate memories that are sweet and lasting.  Those who don’t know our Savior are drawn to Him through our random acts of kindness and even the toughest of those hardened hearts can be gently led to the Savior.

Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,  winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."


I have always loved spring time.  I guess this verse was written with Wyoming in mind….there’s no mention of spring.  Occasionally we get a surprise spring-like day in the middle of January so we take the season as we can get it….whenever it may happen.  Praise the Lord that He promises to maintain the seasons while the earth remains!  I have to blush a little when I think of myself enjoying spring as a child in Seward, Illinois.  I used to run barefoot in a field behind my house and sing into the cornflowers.  No one saw me except for God and a few dairy cows.  I can still feel that cool new grass on my feet.  I loved to learn new songs and try them out when no one was looking.  I especially enjoyed my music classes in grade school and when they threw out some old music books I begged the teacher to let me take them home.  My sisters and I would prop them up in the kitchen window and sing while we did the dishes.  In my heart spring time and music go hand in hand and I anxiously look forward to the melody of new birth in the gift of spring….whenever that may come.

The 10 cent Gamble

Colossians 2:8-10 “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.  For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.


Don’t you hate it when you finally get that thing you desire and you find out that it wasn’t really as great as the advertisement?  I remember they used to have ads in the back of comic books picturing a whole box of little toys for only 10 cents.  First of all, my comic book was probably vintage, but I taped my dime to an envelope and mailed it in.  I was pretty disgusted when I got nothing in return. The world is really good at imitating true happiness.  They tell us that joy comes from fame and fortune, real estate and power. Yet the richest most powerful people are empty shells always searching for their next chance to be in the spotlight.  Their lives are full of eccentricity and loneliness.  They have been cheated by the philosophy and deceit of the world.  Even the poorest of believers have peace and contentment that the wealthy cannot buy.  We are complete in Christ.  Though they may never recognize their true source of happiness without the enlightening of the Holy Spirit, their picture is clear to those who belong to God.  The things of this world are temporary and sour compared to the peace and contentment found in Christ.

His Eye is on the Sparrow

Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.   Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.


How providential that I dreamed of hummingbirds last night! There is something sweet about a bird.  Not all birds of course.  I remember when we lived in Vedauwoo and I was slowly driving down the Forest Service road.  There was a large golden eagle on the ground and the closer I got the more I wondered if he was hurt or injured because he just kept looking at me…not moving.  When I finally got within a few feet he took off with great sweeping wings while trying to hang onto his lunch…a large prairie dog.  I have no love for prairie dogs but that little guy was blessed with a second chance in life because in haste to get away from the scary lady in the Buick, the eagle dropped him in his tracks.  A shudder ran down my spine when I saw the power of those large talons.  The birds that I am referring to are the little songbirds and sparrows that never bother anyone and give us great pleasure with their music straight from heaven.  When one is killed it sparks a moment of sadness for the loss of nature at its best.  Our cat Bob with the six toes was an avid hunter.  We used to love to watch the hummingbirds feed at our window and so did he.  We had to make sure that he didn’t get too close and he actually caught one in a flash.  We yelled and the lucky little fellow escaped while we collectively breathed a sigh of relief.  He did the same thing one summer day when he came carrying a meadowlark in his mouth, as proud as he could be.  Paul took it from him and amazingly the beautiful creature woke up and flew away.  What a comfort to know that God sees each little sparrow, the lowliest of birds, and those second chances are carefully monitored from on high.  Jesus said that we are worth much more to him than many sparrows.  He sees each time we fall and is providentially involved in every aspect of our lives.  When you see those humble little birds with no means of protection, remember that He knows each one and cares even more for you.