Friday, March 29, 2013

His Eye is on the Sparrow

Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.   Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.


How providential that I dreamed of hummingbirds last night! There is something sweet about a bird.  Not all birds of course.  I remember when we lived in Vedauwoo and I was slowly driving down the Forest Service road.  There was a large golden eagle on the ground and the closer I got the more I wondered if he was hurt or injured because he just kept looking at me…not moving.  When I finally got within a few feet he took off with great sweeping wings while trying to hang onto his lunch…a large prairie dog.  I have no love for prairie dogs but that little guy was blessed with a second chance in life because in haste to get away from the scary lady in the Buick, the eagle dropped him in his tracks.  A shudder ran down my spine when I saw the power of those large talons.  The birds that I am referring to are the little songbirds and sparrows that never bother anyone and give us great pleasure with their music straight from heaven.  When one is killed it sparks a moment of sadness for the loss of nature at its best.  Our cat Bob with the six toes was an avid hunter.  We used to love to watch the hummingbirds feed at our window and so did he.  We had to make sure that he didn’t get too close and he actually caught one in a flash.  We yelled and the lucky little fellow escaped while we collectively breathed a sigh of relief.  He did the same thing one summer day when he came carrying a meadowlark in his mouth, as proud as he could be.  Paul took it from him and amazingly the beautiful creature woke up and flew away.  What a comfort to know that God sees each little sparrow, the lowliest of birds, and those second chances are carefully monitored from on high.  Jesus said that we are worth much more to him than many sparrows.  He sees each time we fall and is providentially involved in every aspect of our lives.  When you see those humble little birds with no means of protection, remember that He knows each one and cares even more for you.


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